Black Pepper essential oil has a spicy, energizing aroma. Taken internally, it offers antioxidant properties, supports healthy weight management and digestive wellness when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Black pepper is the most common and potent flavoring of the peppercorn family.

It was used by Egyptians in mumification as evidenced by the discovery of black pepper in the nostrils and abdomen of Ramses II.

Indian monks ate several black peppercorns a day to give them endurance during their arduous travels.

Even in dark ages, many were enlightened enough to know a good thing when they saw it.

In ancient times pepper was as valuable as gold or silver.

Black Pepper essential oil comes from Madagascar. This spice has been commonly used across the world while the essential oil is less known. Its distinctive, peppery flavor makes it a common addition to many recipes, from appetizers to entrees. When using the essential oil of black pepper please remember it is more potent than sprinkling pepper at the table. Open up the top of the bottle, insert a toothpick and swirl it through your dish once it’s done cooking.

Black Pepper essential oil and Black Pepper Vitality are the same essential oil.

Nickname: The Energizer Bunny / The Headlamp

We’ve all been there.

The pit is deep and dark.

We want things to be different.

We want change.

Our bodies want out of the holes and despair they have fallen into but where is the strength to make changes? We need a second wind, or fifth, or tenth…to try and dig out of habits we’ve formed again.

Today some hospitals use it to highlight veins before drawing blood.

Others use it to lighten the weight of their digestive flow.

Still others find it’s a light bulb to their confusion as it increases their ability to focus.

My favorite way to remember this spicy oil is its emotional application.

Black Pepper Oil is powerful in helping to reset the emotional pattern of being “in a black hole.” Ever been there?

It is high in beta-caryophyllene (a type of sesquiterpene) studied for possible benefits in lightening the darkness of anxious and depressed feelings.

Whether it’s addiction or a smaller habit, Black Pepper can work as a headlamp for the body, giving it enough light for that next “no” to the old habit and “yes” to the new pattern in our lives.

Use it as you support your body with truth and the companionship of those who will push you toward better choices. Get accountability and begin to associate this smell with small victories as you take one step forward and then another. Strap on The Headlamp and start to make changes!

Home: Madagascar, Sri Lanka, England, India

Key Constituent: Beta-Caryophyllene

Historically used for endurance and as a currency for trade as valuable as gold or silver.

Found also in:

Awaken™ essential oil blend combines five different Young Living blends to help awaken and enhance inner self-awareness to reach your highest potential. Expertly formulated to help you become aware of limitless potential when used aromatically, Awaken is the first step toward making positive life changes.

Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil, amazing for lymphatic support,

Dream Catcher™ essential oil blend combines 17 essential oils to create an aroma that may awaken creative thoughts and enhance dreams and visualizations, promoting greater potential insight for realizing your dreams and staying on your path.

En-R-Gee™ essential oil blend is a combination of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Idaho Grand Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper for an invigorating aromatic boost when preparing for any of life’s challenges or demanding performances when you need it most.

NingXia Nitro® is a delicious, energizing wolfberry drink infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract to support alertness and cognitive and physical fitness.*

Relieve It was created for its soothing properties that can be applied before, during, or after activity.

Ningxia Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry puree, sparkling water, pear and blackberry juices, a hint of Lime and Black Pepper Vitality™ essential oils, and naturally occurring caffeine from white tea extract. These natural ingredients create a hydrating energy boost with a unique, dynamic flavor.*

Out the Door Ningxia Shot Recipe:

+ 2 oz. Ningxia Red

+ 2 drops Black Pepper Vitality Oil

+ 2 drops Grapefruit Vitality Oil

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