Citrus Fresh might be the best citrus oil around. It contains so many favorites – Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon and more. This oil is incredibly versatile and a household staple for sure!


  • Has an invigorating and uplifting scent
  • Creates a creative environment when used aromatically
  • Cleanses the air from unwanted odors
  • Has cleansing properties for the home and the body
  • Provides antioxidant properties

Citrus Fresh essential oil blend combines cold-pressed oils of Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, and Lemon with a touch of sharp Spearmint for a bright and refreshing aroma. This versatile oil is good for everything from cleaning to diffusing to skincare and DIYs!


Citrus oils are cold-pressed from the rind of the corresponding fruit, making them alkaline and full of wonderful aroma and flavor. Because it is composed of citrus oils, Citrus Fresh is a great source of antioxidants and the constituent limonene, which has some wonderful health-supporting properties. This blend is also great for the respiratory and immune systems! Add it to your wellness roller and DIY chest rub, especially if you are out of other favorites. (Note: Citrus Fresh and Citrus Fresh Vitality are the same essential oil.)


Citrus Fresh might be one of the most overlooked emotional support oils! Because this blend combines multiple citrus oils with a hint of mint, it is a great choice for stimulating the right side of the brain. When we are consumed with worry, stress or suffer from analysis paralysis, the right side of the brain is less active. Inhaling Citrus Fresh, getting calm and quiet, allowing the emotions and processing them can help us move out of that place of stuckness!

Also, because Citrus Fresh contains limonene, it has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause physical stress, and when we lower that physical stress burden our emotions benefit as well!


*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Monoterpenes:
    • help to support the respiratory system, are responsible for many immune system support properties of essential oils.
  • Limonene:
    • known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits.
  • Esters:
    • a gentle constituent found in many essential oils, especially citrus oils, that helps to calm both the mind and body.


Note: Citrus Fresh, like other citrus oils, can cause skin sensitivity if applied before exposure to sunlight. Allow at least 12-24 hours between use and direct exposure of the area to UV light.

  • Add a few drops onto cotton balls and stash them in drawers, in air vents, under garbage cans, and in shoes for a quick boost of freshness.

  • Wear as a calming personal fragrance. Pair with Vanilla, Stress Away or more Tangerine or Orange.

  • Apply topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes.

  • Use in DIY sugar and salt scrubs for a fresh citrus burst.

  • Apply generous drops to your pots and pans, grills, or any sticky, greasy grime.

  • Use in DIY cleaning recipes and add to Thieves Household Cleaner for a fresh boost.

  • Infuse your water with a burst of flavor by adding 2–3 drops to your glass throughout the day.

  • Use Citrus Fresh Vitality in recipes such as fruit salads, salad dressings, and marinades to enhance the flavor.

  • Add 1–2 drops to a vegetable capsule and use it as a dietary supplement to support general wellness.

  • Try this Laundry Scent Booster:

  • Make this carpet deodorizing powder:
    • To a 4 oz glass jar add:
    • 1 cup baking soda
    • ½ cup fine sea salt
    • 10 drops each Citrus Fresh, Purification essential oils OR 20 drops Citrus Fresh
    • Add baking soda and salt to a jar, and mix well. Add essential oils, stir, then place the top on the jar and shake well. Optional: use a small knife or drill to make small holes in the top of the jar. Sprinkle onto carpets and let sit 10-15 minutes before vacuuming!

  • DIY Hand Soap
    • 1 drop Orange
    • 8 drops Bergamot
    • 5 drops Citrus Fresh
    • 8 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
    • 2TBSP unscented Castille soap
    • Add to hand soap bottle, fill with water.

  • DIY Citrus Fresh Sugar Scrub
    • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (or any oil you desire)
    • 10-15 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil
    • 1/2 – 3/4 cup granulated sugar

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  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

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