Forgiveness Oil – The Window Washer.

It may help one move past the barriers in life. It also helps to bring a person into a higher spiritual awareness of their needs and helps raise their frequency to the point where they feel almost compelled to forgive, forget, let go, and go on with their lives.

Forgiveness is necessary to either continue with a relationship after an offense, OR to move on from it – whichever is right. It’s a gift you give, not to the other person, but to yourself, so that you can have peace.

First, what happens when we don’t forgive:

+ It can cause a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, anxiety, weakened immune system, and depression.

+ It can literally shorten our lifespan. (Source:

+ It can hinder future relationships.

Basically… Unforgiveness is like holding on to a hot stone and expecting the other person to be burned.

Use: Apply 1 drop of Forgiveness around the navel in a clockwise motion with your right hand, while thinking of what situation you need to forgive yourself or others.

What happens when we do forgive:

According to John Hopkins Medicine, “Studies have found that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards for your health,

– lowering the risk of heart attack

– improving cholesterol levels and sleep, and

– reducing pain

– blood pressure

– levels of anxiety

– depression and

– stress.

And research points to an increase in the forgiveness-health connection as you age.”

Lack of forgiveness doesn’t hurt the other person – it makes US sick. Forgiveness is for our own benefit. It is accomplished in five steps:

  1. Forgive yourself for allowing the other person to affect your health and happiness
  2. Forgive the other person for any harm he or she may have caused you (This does not need to be done in the presence of the other person, it is your inner work.)
  3. Give the other person permission to forgive you
  4. See the good in the situation
  5. Be thankful for the experience and the lessons it taught you. Inhale and apply Forgiveness.

Having a forgiving heart may lower both emotional and physical pain, according to a study done by Duke University Medical Center researchers. Out of 61 subjects who suffered from chronic back pain, those who were more likely to forgive reported lower levels of pain, leading researchers to believe that “a relationship appears to exist between forgiveness and important aspects of living with persistent pain.” (Source:

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