Harmony brings about a harmonic balance to the chakras (energy centers), allowing the energy to flow more efficiently through the body.

It may reduce stress and create a general overall feeling of well-being.

There are seven energy centers them along the spine:

  • Coccyx,
  • Sacrum,
  • Lumbar,
  • Dorsal (heart),
  • Cervical (where neck meets shoulders), and
  • Medulla (hollow place at center base of skull), and
  • Pineal (center of forehead).

You can also massage Harmony on the crown of the head.

Harmony balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems which, in turn, gives us progressive creativity and feelings of confidence.

“The biggest sin is not having confidence in yourself” “He who lacks confidence lacks life” – Gary Young

Use: Apply 1 drop of Harmony either directly on the energy centers (chakras) or along the side of the body.

I diffuse this when I feel unbalanced.

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