Present Time helps bring one into the moment. We must forget about the past and stop worrying about the future. We must live in the moment in order to heal.

Use: Apply 1 drop of Present Time behind the ears and 1 drop on the thymus (the gland just under your sternum or breastbone) in a circular motion; then close eyes and tap the thymus 3 times with the energy fingers (pointer and middle).

Try wearing it as a perfume! It’s such an intoxicating aroma.

Are you constantly thinking of what needs to get done? What bills you need to pay, what’s on the to-do list, or what you forgot to do yesterday? Are you thinking about what happened years ago and what is going to happen 1 year from now?

I wasn’t like this a few years ago. Times have changed and I’m sure I’m not the only one struggling with this.

But it is so important to live in the present, especially when you have kids around you; believe me, it goes way too fast.

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  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

Use your Aroma Nest friend’s referral number or mine (1637031) and DM me so that I can switch you over quickly to connect you.

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