Why we diffuse

If you are like me, you love when your house smells amazing.

Warm cinnamon cookies, apple pie, fresh eucalyptus, fresh flowers,… these were some of my most favorite candle scents.

But candles (and air fresheners, plug-ins, scented cleaning & personal care products) all have hidden dangers. Those kind of products contain fragrance.

There is a legal loophole here in America that allows a company to put whatever chemical or ingredient into their products and label it as FRAGRANCE.

Simply put, these chemicals have not had much safety testing and we know very little about their effects.

Fragrance has been linked to

  • endocrine disruption,
  • migraines,
  • asthma,
  • cancer,
  • and fertility issues.

Paraffin is a petroleum by-product which gives off carcinogens when burned.

It also releases soot, which is very damaging to the lungs, causing respiratory issues.

In 1976 there was a law passed in the US called the Toxic Substance Control Act. This law grandfathered in over 100,000 toxic chemicals that companies are allowed to include in their products and sell to consumers.

Fragrance alone is considered a Trade Secret, and companies do not have to disclose which ingredients they used. It is typically between 300-2000 different toxic chemicals disguised in that single word.

You know the warning labels on the back of cleaning products? The ones that say things like, “Poisonous. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not ingest.”

.it’s because companies are required to put a warning label on the back, if over 50% of the animals they tested those ingredients on….died.

If less than 50% of those animals didn’t die, they don’t even have to label it with a warning at all. But all of these products can still be sold and marketed to be used in homes where animals and “people” live.


If you wonder why you should care about this topic, watch the documentary itself.

Knowledge is power, and when you know better, you do better.

+ The Human Experiment +

Then dig into this one, how humans have been affected by chemical exposure over the decades.

We all just want the best for our families.

Watch out for Green Washing.

A product looks clean and safe, because it has plants on the front and maybe even essential oils in it?

But then you see the word “fragrance.” (Essential oils should NOT be listed as fragrance. This means it is a synthetic chemical).

We have been using, real, clean, and powerful essential oils and the other wellness product since Jan. 2014.

Don’t fall for the copycats who purchase their oils from China and market them over here as a cheaper comparison.

…or at least don’t expect the same results.

My house smells amazing without harmful chemicals.

But if you are here, you most likely know already all of that, so let’s get our oils together for this month and enjoy the clean air in our homes.

We’d love to connect with you on Instagram @AromaNestFamily or on our Facebook page. Come and say hello!

One of my favorite new kits

Use my code ShareYL for 10% off as a new customer or

Brand Partner for $1 without any commitments.

when using our referral link.


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Use our code ShareYL for a 10% discount, if you are new or haven’t ordered in 2 years.

  • No minimum purchases.
  • Lots of options and a community FULL of resources.
  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

Use your Aroma Nest friend’s referral number or mine (1637031) and DM me so that I can switch you over quickly to connect you.

Follow us on

Instagram @AromaNestFamily & Facebook.com/AromaNestFamilyBlog


New? Find your Aroma Nest friend who’s sent you here to use their referral link.

Can’t find her/him? Send me a text and I’ll help you: (248) 587-7292 or

email: Viviane@VivianeNiemann.com

Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.