Endoflex is a huge support to the adrenals, which increase energy levels. A healthy endocrine system supports a healthy immune system. Then Endo represents the Endocrine system.

And Flex = is what you do with your muscles when you build it in the mirror, grow ‘em!

Before we get to the oil, let’s do a deep dive on the system it is designed for.

The endocrine system literally runs your body (and that’s why it needs some oily love!).

It regulates body functions through the release of hormones – just some of the functions it helps with are metabolism, growth, sexual function (and reproduction), heart rate and blood pressure, appetite, sleep and wake cycles and your body temperature.

Some of the glands it works on are:

  • Hypothalamus – which controls other glands plus sleep-wake
  • Pituitary – affects growth and reproduction
  • Pineal – helps your sleep-wake
  • Thyroid – metabolism
  • Parathyroid – helps with calcium level in bone and blood
  • Thymus – active until puberty, produces hormones that help T-cell
  • Adrenal – stress response, but also blood pressure and heart rate
  • Pancreas – controls sugar levels.
  • Some of the hormones that your endocrine system uses are adrenaline, cortisol, estrogen, FSH, glucagon, insulin, LH, melatonin, oxytocin, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid and more.

Can you see how important loving on this system is?

So, how can you use Endoflex?

A drop under the tongue, in a glass of water, or in a capsule.

Apply a few drops of EndoFlex over the kidney area to help release anger.

Add a couple drops to the palm of your hands, rub once and press your hands over the lower back as well as the thyroid.


Guess what is extra awesome about EndoFlex?! It’s used by MANY mamas on their young kiddos and teenagers. Why? To support the endocrine and adrenals. So many children deal with imbalances in these areas that cause… wait for it… sleep issues and tantrums.

Most of us work so hard at supporting our babies/toddlers/children’s immune systems and digestive systems. We can’t forget that they have an endocrine system, too, that needs support… among other systems as well.”

Like any new oil, the feet is a good place to start. You can always adjust to other areas on the body, like the front of neck. You are the mama, and you know your child. So, start slow and adjust as needed. Dilute properly.

And this is why EndoFlex and JuvaFlex are included in the Golden Touch Collection. EVERY Mom needs that collection!

Seriously, look at all the oils in that collection. It truly is one of the best “Dr. Mom” collections we have… Mom’s “Golden Touch“… that’s how I think about it.”

Here are some recipes we love – feel free to adjust and dilute more as you feel comfortable! YOU are the parent.

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  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

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