simplified oiler, @simplifiedoiler,, janell vonigas, @janellvonigas, aromacommunity

This is an excellent Young Living essential oil kit for two reasons. It is an AMAZING support during months that we tend to be very busy, and in turn we don’t take care of ourselves as well. 

When we neglect our health, we get run down and fall ill more quickly. It’s so important to rest, drink lots of water, eat healthy, nourishing foods, and take care of our physical bodies.

The Golden Touch kit is also used to support mental and emotional healing. 

Negative emotions, if left unchecked, can move into the stomach, kidneys, liver, heart, or other vital systems in the form of anger, pain, and fear.

If overlooked, these negative emotions can be locked in the body, wreaking havoc on emotional and physical health. Some ignore the negative energy, making the emotions dig deeper into the body.

This collection really feels like a wellness toolkit – all packaged up perfectly!


What are the oils with the pretty white labels?

So according to some fancy rules, each oil can only be labeled for either EXTERNAL or INTERNAL use, not both. Somebody thinks that the things you put ON your body don’t go IN your body.

I love these labels because it means they are SAFE for internal use!!! Easy to grab and use! These white “Vitality” labels are the EXACT same oil as the standard line, just labeled to follow the rules.


Time to learn all about our GUT!

What is the MICROBIOME? The collective genome (genetic information) and all of your organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and archea (bacteria-like organisms.) Most of your microbiome is in your GUT.

Your gut contains about 75% of your immune system. Your gut health influences your metabolism, immune status, body weight, and your brain.

Food allergies are on the rise like crazy. Also – our food supply has changed. Our food is FILLED to the brim with chemicals and GMOs. Glyphosate = chemicals = kills weeds.

The people who spray our food sources wear these crazy suits to protect themselves… and we EAT it.

This chemical is derived from antibiotics. So not only do we get over prescribed antibiotics in this country, but it’s also actually IN OUR FOOD AND WATER. Antibiotics kill ALL bacteria. And some of the good bacteria NEVER recovers in your gut. We are changing the microbiome permanently.

What determines a healthy microbiome?

  • C-section vs vaginal birth. (Google how women who need a c-section are now taking swabs of the vaginal microbes, after tests of course, and rubbing it on the baby after the c-section. A study showed that this is giving the baby the important microbes found in the birth canal.)
  • Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding. (Breastfeeding is great for introducing a healthy gut)
  • Nutrition + exercise
  • Age + stress
  • Water quality. (Get a water filter. Berkey is great for on the counter. I want to eventually get a whole house filter. We do have the reverse osmosis in the kitchen)
  • Medications (antibiotics)
  • GMO and conventional (aka glyphosate treated plants) – EAT ORGANIC as much as possible!
  • Meat industry – meat can be filled with antibiotics and GMO. Watch what you buy.

So, what should we do?

Spoil your gut with:

Let’s talk about Digize Vitality though!

So much of our immune function lives in the gut – healthy gut = healthy immune system.

A drop of Digize Vitality in a capsule, under the tongue, or in a glass of water is a good place to start!

The oils included in this blend; Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli – they work as one to support this vital body system.

I like to take a few drops of Digize (it comes as a Vitality and a regular line option.) and rub some on my abdomen to help unwind emotions stored in the stomach – nervous tummy is no fun.

Also, rub a drop on your chest before rubbing Thieves Chest Rub on top. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Breaks up that stuff like you wouldn’t believe.

For pregnant mamas, try a single drop massaged on the outer ear to help with normal morning sickness.

LIFE 9 probiotic

There are many reasons to begin or continue a probiotic. We hear people talk about using probiotics all the time but maybe you aren’t sure exactly what they are?

Well probiotics deliver the “good” bacteria back into your digestive system to keep things working optimally. There are many varieties of probiotics on the market today and there are also a wide variety of qualities.

When using a probiotic you want to be sure the probiotic is made up of an active or live strain!!! <——SO IMPORTANT!

When you buy your yogurt, you also want the same!

Life 9 comes as a delayed release capsule designed to bypass the stomach and deliver the probiotic to the lower digestive tract. The culture count matters as well and Young Living’s proprietary blend contains 16.5 billion which means 16.5 billion beneficial cultures per serving bypassing the stomach improving overall efficacy of the probiotic.

So now we know WHAT probiotics are, but WHY do we need to use them?

Probiotics can help your normal digestive system absorb more nutrients which plays a key role in maintaining your health.

The gut plays a huge role in optimal health. Supplementing may be helpful to assist the body to support every organ system. Research is showing the emerging benefits of probiotics. Healthy gut equals good absorption and ability to remove toxins. Probiotics also support normal elimination, for all you irregular people, are you taking probiotics to help support?!

Probiotics also help support healthy MOOD SUPPORT! Probiotics are best taken in the evening!


Time to chat adrenals! They are VERY busy glands, producing a whole bunch of hormones that play a large role in regulation of the body systems.

This is where STRESS comes into play. The adrenal glands of a person who lives a stress-filled life are constantly creating cortisol in an effort to deal with it – and thereby tearing down muscles and bones and depressing the immune system.

This person is probably also living in a constant state of fear (even unrecognized), activating the overproduction of adrenalin, which raises blood pressure and puts a strain on the heart. EEK.

What helps the adrenals to stay healthy? A plentiful supply of minerals, B vitamins, and nutmeg. Geranium rocks too.

Endoflex Vitality is a huge support to the adrenals, which increase energy levels.

A healthy endocrine system supports a healthy immune system.

Drop under the tongue, in a glass of water, or in a capsule.

Apply a few drops of EndoFlex over the kidney area to help release anger.

Many women use it over the lower back and thyroid as well, twice a day.

Supporting healthy thyroid function, hormones, metabolism, and adrenals, this oil blend will help all of these pieces of your puzzle come together as you gradually work your way to a place of more energy that comes from within.

EndoFlex is a blend of these amazing oils:

  • Spearmint: A rocket pack for your metabolism while support your nervous system to bring beautiful balance.
  • Sage: Commonly used for purification and release of the negativity that wears us down from the inside.
  • Geranium: Say “I love you” to your hormones, liver, and pancreas with some floral TLC.
  • Myrtle: You say “Thyroid?” I say, “Myrtle!” Pair them together and watch the beautiful friendship begin.
  • German Chamomile: Calming to your system and especially supportive of healthy liver function.
  • Nutmeg: And here is your adrenal support. Like a car that can’t shift into the next gear, with our adrenals worn out, we will sputter and find no oomph to continue moving forward.

  • What else helps support the adrenal glands? Super B (filled with b-vitamins and NUTMEG!),
  • Cortistop, and
  • Nutmeg Vitality (rub a drop on your inner cheek and gums when you need a pick-me-up.)

Happy life = happy hormones!


Guess what is extra awesome about EndoFlex?! It’s used by MANY mamas on their young kiddos and teenagers. Why? To support the endocrine and adrenals. So many children deal with imbalances in these areas that cause… wait for it… sleep issues and tantrums.

One mama said her 5-year-old literally never slept through the night for his entire 5 years. They stared seeing a holistic doc who checked his levels, and he needed adrenal support. Added EndoFlex to his routine and he slept through the night and every night since.

From another mama: “I educate ALL THE TIME on the importance of EndoFlex for the entire family! I learned about it WAY late (it sat on my shelf for 5 years before I ever used it 😬). The difference it made for my teen daughters was STAGGERING! Then later I figured out that I needed to use it for my boys (7 and 10 at the time). And it worked so well! The more I learned about it and the endocrine system, the more I realized that I had needed it for everyone all along including my kiddos when they were little.

Most of us work so hard at supporting our babies/toddlers/children’s immune systems and digestive systems. We can’t forget that they have an endocrine system, too, that needs support… among other systems as well.”

Like any new oil, the feet is a good place to start. You can always adjust to other areas on the body, like the front of neck. You are the mama, and you know your child. So, start slow and adjust as needed. Dilute properly.

From a YL mama: “For the babies and toddlers, bottom of feet does suffice and maybe a little bit diluted over the liver and let them smell it for a bit. For maintenance, I would just do it a few times a week… or as needed if emotions or sleep is wonky.

As they get older and are learning how to self-apply, I would teach them about their endocrine system and where their glands are and how to apply over those areas… maybe give some diluted in a roller for the ones that like to roll on a lot of oil.

Also, during growth spurts and changes including puberty, I like to put a few drops in some NingXia Red daily.

And don’t forget to love on the liver as well. When hormones are wonky and the body is trying to balance them, the liver has to do more work. So, I love our JuveFlex!

And this is why EndoFlex and JuvaFlex are included in the Golden Touch Collection. EVERY Mom needs that collection!

Seriously, look at all the oils in that collection. It truly is one of the best “Dr. Mom” collections we have… Mom’s “Golden Touch”… that’s how I think about it.”


A blend of support oils for powerful respiratory support.Raven essential oil blend is a cool, refreshing combination of

  • Ravintsara,
  • Peppermint,
  • Eucalyptus Radiata,
  • Lemon, and
  • Wintergreen essential oils.

A chilly, minty blend with sweet undertones,Raven creates a cooling sensation and provides a comforting aroma when applied topically to the chest and throat.Like an effervescent breeze through a grove of eucalyptus trees, Raven provides a refreshing aromatic experience when diffused or inhaled directly. The naturally occurring constituents’ eucalyptol, menthol, and methyl salicylate provide an invigorating and empowering experience, particularly before or after a workout or when winding down for the evening.

APPLY: put a drop in a splotch of coconut oil combined with lemon and thieves and make a chest rub!


This stands for Respiratory Care – perfect name, right?Have you ever had such an emotional reaction to something, your chest felt tight? Like something hurt your soul so badly, you couldn’t breathe? Yes? me too! Our physical reactions stem from our emotions.R.C. has such an uplifting smell.And oh my GOSH do I LOVE TO BREATH. Don’t you? I love breathing.A drop of RC on the chest before a workout in the spring when everything is covered with a yellow dust is really nice. 🙂This oil contains eucalyptus globulus, myrtle, marjoram, pine, eucalyptus radiata, eucalyptus citriodora, lavender, cypress, blackspruce, and peppermint.Add it to your Springtime roller too! In a 10ml roller I add15 drops Lemon,15 drops Lavender,15 drops Peppermint,10 drops RC,5 drops Copaiba,5 drops Roman Chamomile,5 drops Ledum, and5 drops Peace & Calming.Top with carrier oil and roll behind ears daily!A FAVORITE in the snore department is Valor! Apply on the bottom of His/Her big toes at bedtime.

Apply to his/her wrists as well!

Then 1-2 drops of RC on his/her chest.


If you find yourself very sensitive to the spring and fall season change or are sensitive to a lot of chemicals – it would be wise to cleanse that liver!A drop of Juvaflex Vitality in a glass of water, under the tongue, or in a capsule

  • supports the liver,
  • provides digestive support, and
  • helps the lymphatic system function normally.

This is also a good oil to support someone who is working through addictions.Anger and hate are stored in the liver, which can cause extreme toxicity.Apply JuvaFlex to the bottom of the feet to discharge any toxins and help release emotional discomfort out of the tissues.Want to support your liver even more? Drink lots of beet juice! Ningxia Red, too.

Add in some DetoxzymeJuvaTone, and EssentialZymes-4.


Melrose is a must have for anyone who loves time spent outdoors!

I like to keep it close by for anything that comes my way. Do you have kids who loves to run, jump, climb, and play with bugs (that may sting!) 🙂?

Diffused, it helps keep the air clean and fresh…smelling.

Applying a few drops of Melrose to your solar plexus (upper stomach area) may help reduce mental fatigue.

I also love it around (never in) my ears and down the side my neck.

Super great on the bottom of the feet after swimming with some lemon oil too!

Like the root meaning of the prefix “Mel “(strong, great), Melrose is that blend that we “put on to take on” its strength and protection. And the only thing “rose” about it (besides the rosemary) is its companion product Rose Ointment (such an amazing product!)

Melrose is a blend of a few Melaleucas (AKA tea tree – bet you didn’t know we have more than one species!) and a few star players in our essential oil world of preservation.

Melaleuca alternafolia and Melaleuca quinquenervia bring their protection along with rosemary and clove for powerful cleansing especially when it comes to fortifying our skin to its best integrity.

And don’t forget it’s great for our four-legged family members too.

Gary shared that one of the best ways to clear the air of…stuff… is to burn Frankincense resin while simultaneously diffusing the blends Melrose & Purification together in an ultrasonic diffuser.


If there were only one oil we could have in our arsenal, it would probably be Thieves. This blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils smells like a warm cup of chai and is a powerhouse when it comes to our health and our homes!


  • Cleansing when applied topically
  • Diffuse to create a fresh, healthy environment
  • Provides immune system support
  • Cleansing to the digestive system
  • Source of antioxidants Read on for more about why we love this oil and ways to use it daily….

Thieves is THE oil for immune support. We’re talking what you want to reach for daily to give your body a little extra boost and definitely what you want to reach for when your defenses start to go down. A quick PubMed search for the individual oils in this blend will have you convinced that these oils can be a powerful tool for our health!


Thieves is a powerhouse for our health, both physical and emotional. This makes a lot of sense since our emotions are closely linked with our physical health. When we are sick our energy is low, we struggle with brain fog and lethargy. Thieves can help us there! Rosemary, Clove, and Cinnamon are all wonderful for helping combat brain fog, clearing the mind, and energizing our spirits. Diffuse, apply, add to an Epsom salt bath.

Thieves is a wonderful choice when you need to help promote clarity. If you’re feeling uncertain or unfocused, the blend of oils in Thieves can be helpful. Dilute and apply it over the throat or over the liver.

Use Thieves Vitality in your wellness and cooking routines

  • Take in a capsule to help support the immune system.
  • Put a drop in your morning juice, tea, or coffee or add 1-2 drops to coffee ground before brewing.
  • Make ‘Thieves Tea’ to boost the immune system or when you feel that tingle in the back of your throat:
    • Add a drizzle of raw honey to a large mug
    • Add 1 drop each Thieves, Lemon Vitality
    • Add hot water and/or herbal tea bag and steep.
  • Thieves + Honey Throat Coat:
    • 1 tbsp honey
    • 1 tsp water
    • 2 drops Thieves Vitality
    • 3 drops Lemon.
    • Heat up the water and honey together until liquid then add in the oils. Stir together and serve on a spoon. Make sure the liquid isn’t too hot or close to boiling before adding oils.
  • Add a drop to oatmeal, granola, or other cereal to elevate your breakfast and help cleanse the digestive system.
  • Add 1-2 drops to a shot of NingXia Red for a quick spicy boost.

Save money by getting the kit instead of the individual oils,

add the kit to your Loyalty Rewards order to get 10, 20 or 25% back in YL spending PV, and get

this month’s Gift with Purchase.

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Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.