
Would you like to have:

  • more energy
  • better sleep
  • higher libido
  • a clearer head
  • a more balanced mood (aka less rage-y)
  • less stress

Hormones play a HUGE role in how our body functions and regulates. They are known as our body’s chemical messengers. It’s the second largest communication system within our body besides our nervous system!

Having balanced and happy hormones is critical to feeling your best!

This page is the index of the Happy Hormones series.

Link to products: https://bit.ly/HappyHormonesAromaNest

We will also be covering briefly on many other products that are supportive to our hormones, including the endocrine system, our adrenals, and more! This month you will feel more equipped to determine what hormone-supporting products will work best for you.


There are several factors in choosing which supplements you should take. Obviously, the list of supplements we are focusing on here isn’t exhaustive, and there are other things we won’t dive into, but here is a good reference point to start.

Under 30:

If you are under 30, you are still at an age where your hormone production should be normal, as it doesn’t start to decline until menopause. However, if you have been exposed to toxins through household cleaners, beauty and skincare products or other things in your environment, OR if you deal with a lot of stress, you could easily be headed towards estrogen dominance.

Progessence Plus is so helpful for supporting healthy progesterone levels.

Endoflex is one that everyone at every age and stage should be using, because it gives your body tools for balancing. Which is what this is really all about.

If you dread your monthly cycles either emotionally OR physically, Dragon Time may be your new best friend. I find it helps with everything around my period, as it is balancing and gives your body some phytoestrogens (remember the good, plant-based kind) to work with during a taxing time of the month.

Over 30:

The older we get, the more time our bodies have to accumulate both toxins and the effects of stress, so supporting our progesterone becomes more and more important.

It’s really important that you are working to remove the toxins and sources of stress that are causing the imbalance, but using a plant-based progesterone like Progessence Plus can really give your body the tools to balance itself that it simply can’t obtain on it’s own.

Again, Endoflex is for EVERYONE. You should use it on yourself. Your kids. Your partner. Anyone who has hormones (and that is everyone) needs to be using Endoflex. It supports the entire endocrine system.

Like I said to the under 30s, if you need extra support around your cycle, Dragontime is where is the first one to try. If you have tried Dragontime and it’s not a good fit for you, Sclarressence is another one. Everyone is different.

If you lead a high stress life, Cortistop is going to be REALLY helpful. It contains both pregnenolone which is a hormone precursor, and your body can use it to make whatever it may need more of to stay balanced. It also contains progesterone. This one is especially targeted to support normal cortisol levels. Excess cortisol is going to zap your body of progesterone and you can end up with estrogen dominance.

Mature Women:

When we get older, our natural hormone production drops to the point of no longer sustaining ovulation and menstruation. It typically takes place between the ages of 45 and 60, although some women experience it sooner. In American women, estrogen levels drop 40-60 percent, but the hormone is still produced. But in most women, progesterone levels drop to nearly 0. This can lead to estrogen dominance, even in women with low estrogen levels (because remember, estrogen dominance refers to the balance of estrogen and progesterone, not just high levels of estrogen).

Because lowered estrogen levels in the golden years can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, doctors will often prescribe hormone replacement therapy, but evidence has grown that synthetic hormones have been shown to increase the development of a variety of cardiovascular problems including blood clots and heart attacks as well as increasing the risk of cancer.

It is possible to support the body through menopause naturally. USB-grade progesterone is quickly becoming recognized as a viable option for women who want to safely and effectively maintain and support their bodies through menopause.

The Endoflex blend is still highly recommended for its overall endocrine support. Progessence Plus for progesterone.

Sclaressence is helpful for providing safe and healthy phytoestrogens as natural estrogen levels decline. And actually, some women find Dragontime oil blend extremely helpful too!

Cortistop is extremely helpful if you deal with chronic stress. It helps maintain normal cortisol levels and support glandular function.

If you know your thyroid needs support and you want to give it and extra kick, the Thyromin supplement is amazing. It will nourish the thyroid and support the metabolism.

You also might consider Ningxia Nitro, which contains 50% of your daily dose of iodine, which is CRUCIAL for healthy thyroid function. Plus, it gives all natural, safe, healthy energy, which so many of us need without a huge dose of caffeine (it does contain a small amount of caffeine from tea extract, but the energy comes more from the amazing nourishment it provides through vitamins and minerals).


As with all healthy lifestyle choices, supplements and oils must be part of your routine and daily habit in order to start affecting change. They are much like the food we eat in that, there isn’t a magic bullet that fixes everything in one dose.

From my own experience I have learned it can take up to 4 months to notice big changes and for things to balance out. And with P+ for instance, things might seem worse before they get better. I read this in Taming the Dragon Within and it’s a wonderful resource for learning more about progesterone and why you might need it.

It’s giving your body the tools it needs to balance itself day in and day out. It’s choosing to take one’s hormones and health off of the back burner and make them a priority through small, incremental, changes that make a monumental difference over time. And these changes WILL make a difference.

There are women in Young Living who have regained their fertility, whose doctors told them they would be on meds forever, who were miserable and in pain and through eliminating toxins, eating real, nourishing food and supplementing their bodies with what they needed to stay balanced, they are now thriving and healthy. You CAN do this. And you DESERVE to do this! If you want to know exactly what’s going on, then it might make sense to get a hormone panel done. Many can be mailed to you these days!

Books I have read and love and were super helpful!

“Taming the Dragon Within”

“Lucy Libido says there’s an Oil for THAT”

“Essential Oils Desk Reference” – Goes into depth of all Young Living Oils and Supplements

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