We’ve all met our own dragon within, yes?!
You know…that dreaded (for many) “time of the month”.
Dragon time contains naturally occurring phytoestrogens which help balance emotions, especially the crazy ones that pop up during those monthly cycles.
The combination of Fennel, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, Yarrow, and Jasmine all work synergistically to tame your monthly monsters and bring balance back to your hormonal system and body.
Try putting one drop under your nose or on diffuser jewelry or apply topically to your abdomen for relief.
Another great way to unwind during your cycle is by adding 3-5 drops to Epsom salt for a relaxing and soothing bath.
And did you know Young Living even carries a Dragon Time Massage oil perfect for massaging on your abdomen? It is AWESOME.

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