Ever feel like the world is spinning, and you’re stressed, and feeling panicky, and it’s overwhelming?

(Chose one, two or a few)!

+ Inhale Palo Santo and Frankincense (plug right nostril and breathe through left)

+ Palo santo on wrists

+ Capsules of Bergamot vitality

+ Cortistop

+ Joy over heart

+ Stress Away

+ Super B

+ Frankincense vitality, tip of tongue hold to roof of mouth

+ Nutmeg on adrenals and vita flex on feet

+ Stress Away and Valor layer on wrists and neck and behind ears

> Slique Tea 2x’s/day. (Has caffeine if you or the baby are sensitive.) However, the Frank resin and other ingredients were an immediate mood boost.

> The Great Day Protocol 3x’s/day (also a great post-partum protocol)

> 2 drops of Frank under the tongue at the same time as the Great Day

> 2 T MindWise every morning

> Lots of good fats – Ex: 1/2 an avocado for breakfast with eggs and the other half in a smoothie at lunch.

> Idaho Blue Spruce on the top of your forehead while reading affirmations.

> 6-10 drops of Progessence Plus on inner thighs each night.

Mellow Mix!

Amazing for high stress.

This used to be called “liquid X——“ – it’s now Mellow Mix 😉

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  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

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email: Viviane@VivianeNiemann.com