Cultivate a happy, healthy home with this curated kit of green home favorites! These products are some of our most used and are such a huge jump start on a low-tox home. This is your easy button when it comes to all natural, plant-based cleaning.
+ Are you overwhelmed with all the natural living information out there?
+ Do you want to shift towards a low-tox lifestyle?
+ Do you need simple, effective tools for your home, your health, and life in general?
Then you are in the right place!
Our goal is to give you the information and tools you need to create the healthy, happy lifestyle you crave – and keep it as simple as possible in the process!
We all have so much on our plates these days, so having easy to use, effective products in our daily routines is crucial. And it is also so attainable!
Make a shift with us – towards a holistic view of our health, towards truly clean homes, towards creating cozy, calm spaces, towards natural, effective tools for energy, vitality, and overall wellness.
Are You Ready for Something to Change?
As the gatekeepers of our homes, we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create good habits for ourselves and families. But sometimes that can feel overwhelming.
+ What supplements do you really need?
+ What’s up with that grocery store Lavender?
+ Is that natural cleaner really natural?
+ Can you use these things around pets?
+ WHERE do you even start?
Take a breath, friend. We’ve got you. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming (or budget-breaking!). It is as simple as making a shift. Then another. Then another.
One small step + consistency = impactful results.
One shift here leads to another shift there, and pretty soon you have tools in your toolbox for your daily wellness needs, for a truly clean home, for handling the bumps in the road, and for having fun and savoring each and every season.
So sit back, take a breath, and get ready for some easy ways that you can take small steps towards a healthier, better lifestyle just by making a small shift.
A Holistic View of Health
A lot of times our brains think in a black and white scenario. If we have natural options we can’t use conventional ones. And while our goal is to have as low-tox of a lifestyle as possible, we still live in the real world!
Sometimes it just takes a small shift in our thinking to get us where we want to be.
Fevers, for example. Did you know that a fever is a natural response of the body when it comes into contact with something that it needs to fight off? Yep. A fever is your body doing its thing to kill off whatever is making you feel bad.
Does that mean we immediately run to grab something to lower it? Not usually. But we also don’t totally ignore it either!
Did you know that applying Lemon and Peppermint to the feet and spine can be really soothing in the presence of a fever? This makes you comfortable while allowing the body to do what it was created to do!
We want to look at our health and our lives with a holistic perspective. Our bodies work as a whole. Our lives work as a whole. Each part is dependent on the others, and each part affects the others.
Our bodies have an innate design that we can support and encourage with simple daily tools. Our lives are an interplay of mental, physical, and emotional health. Each one affecting the other, and each one an area where we can create nourishing routines that spill over into each of the other areas.
So, let’s shift our focus to a holistic view of our lives and health so we can move towards something better, something richer in all areas.
The Science of Essential Oils
Hang on to your hat friend, we’re getting sciency! (But just a little – don’t worry!)
Essential oils are truly fascinating – they are a way to harness the incredible power of nature! Essential oils are the aromatic compounds naturally found in shrubs, flowers, roots, leaves, stems and other parts of plants.
The power of an essential oil lies in its individual constituents and the synergy between those constituents – the individual compounds and pieces of the plant’s innate systems.
Some examples of aromatic constituents of essential oils include terpenes, monoterpenes, and phenols. These are just chemistry words to describe the physical structure of each constituent. What’s important here is that essential oils have a predominantly ring-like structure that is lipid-soluble.
This is hugely important because it allows essential oils to penetrate cell membranes and travel easily throughout the blood and tissues. Each cell in the body is surrounded by a lipid membrane, which is good because we don’t want to allow just anything inside the cell. However, it can be difficult to reach problem areas, and a lot of money goes towards creating solutions to this. Oils are the perfect design! Small, ringed structure, and lipid-soluble.
Studies over the last decades found that rosemary may enhance alertness + combat candida, orange + lemon demonstrate tumor-suppressing effects, and thyme can wash bacteria from produce. Studies like this are plentiful on PubMed!
There is also the smell-emotion connection to consider! This connection starts in the limbic system, often referred to as the “emotional brain”. This portion of the brain contains the hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus and thalamus. It handles emotional response, anger, fear, libido, hormone function, behavior, motivation, long and short-term memory, sleep patterns, reproduction, and… sense of smell. Because of this our emotions can affect SO MANY things in our lives.
When you breathe in an essential oil, molecules enter the limbic system and elicit an emotional response. The exact details of how smells impact emotions are difficult to define BUT we do know that smell absolutely DOES elicit an emotional response.
The best part? We can use ALL these things to our advantage and curate a toolbox of natural solutions for all of our needs!
Make a Shift: Essentials Solution Kit
Make a shift with the Essential Solutions Kit! This is your easy button friend. This curated collection includes some of the most popular products for replacing harsh chemicals, freshening your home, or enhancing your daily wellness routines. It is a great first step towards a more natural, holistic lifestyle.
The Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit comes with everything you need to take that next step. Whether you are wanting to make your home smell amazing without using fragrance, shift to a greener, more natural cleaning routine, or find natural solutions for your daily health needs, this kit has something to help you achieve those goals!
Here’s what is included:
- Thieves essential oil blend, 5 mL
- Purification essential oil blend, 5 mL
- Lavender essential oil, 5 mL
- Peppermint essential oil, 5 mL
- Deep Relief Roll-On, 10 mL
- Stress Away Roll-On, 10 mL
- FreshStart Diffuser
These favorites are a simple way to make the shift towards a healthier lifestyle!

The Convenience of Topical Oils – Deep Relief Roll-On, Stress Away Roll-On
One thing we love about Young Living is the pre-diluted roll-on options – just open and go! So easy to use and so effective. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Deep Relief Roll-On is one of Young Living’s most popular blends and will be your new tension-melting best friend! This pre-diluted blend combines Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Fir essential oils (plus more!) to provide icy cool relief wherever you need it!
Ditch the store-bought creams and grab your Deep Relief Roll-on! All the icy cool relief with none of the chemicals and SO easy to use.
- Apply onto the temples, back of neck, and shoulders and gently massage to relieve stress and tension.
- Apply generously to any sore or tense muscles or onto legs and feet after standing or walking all day.
Next up in our list of favorite roll-ons is Stress Away.
We call this beachy blend a “vacation in a bottle” because it gives us a moment of zen whenever we (or someone we love!!) need it. Stress Away combines Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender essential oils for the ultimate relaxing blend.
This easy to use roll-on smells lovely and calming and makes a great addition to DIY body butter, bath salts and more. We also love it for calming little ones!
- Apply to the neck, chest and shoulders and feel the tension melt away. Apply liberally and frequently
- Use on the chest and feet before bedtime – alone or with Lavender – to promote relaxation.
- Use as a daily perfume or personal fragrance!

The Safety of Ingesting Pure Oils – Thieves, Peppermint
Not all essential oils are created equally, and we only want the good stuff for our health and our homes! We love having the option to ingest oils because we know that Young Living has the highest standard when it comes to quality.
Ingesting essential oils is like having herbal remedies right at our fingertips – but without the huge capsules that herbs tend to come in! This is because herbs are dried plant matter, so it takes a lot of it to get the response we need.
Oils are steam distilled from just-harvested plant matter, as close as you can get to a living plant! This means it doesn’t take nearly as much for us to get the benefits we need.
Two of our favorite oils for ingesting are Thieves (Immune support!) and Peppermint (digestive and tension support!).
Let’s talk about the beloved Thieves. This powerful blend of immune boosting oils works with the body’s natural defense systems, making it one we reach for every day. Thieves is a combination of Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Lemon essential oils that smells amazing and kicks the germs to the curb at the same time. Some simple ways to use this blend include:
- Add a drop of Thieves to an empty capsule, add some olive or coconut oil, and take it as a daily supplement.
- Dilute Thieves 1:4 (1 part Thieves, 4 part carrier oil) and apply to the spine, over the lymph nodes, and/or to the bottoms of the feet.
- Add a drop to honey, then pour warm water over for a Thieves Tea (you can also add your favorite herbal tea), add a drop or two to coffee grounds before brewing, or mix into your favorite latte recipe.
- Diffuse! Studies have shown that the Thieves blend can blast 96% of airborne germs. Pair with Peppermint for a pick-me-up or with Lavender for a bedtime blend that supports the immune system.
Oh the sweet, soothing, icy cool feeling of Peppermint. This crisp oil can be diffused to create a focused environment for work or study, or it can be applied topically to soothe & cool muscles following activity.
Peppermint is also a digestive system powerhouse! Think about all the products on the stomach aisle at the pharmacy… they’re mint flavored! There is a good reason for that. Peppermint has long been known for its soothing abilities – from tension to sore muscles to digestion!
Some of the ways we Peppermint include:
- Add a drop of Peppermint to an empty capsule, add some olive or coconut oil, and take it as a daily supplement.
- Diffuse Peppermint while working or during homework time to create a focused environment.
- Sprinkle a few drops in your shower for an awakening shower steam in the morning.
- Apply it to your neck and shoulders or to tired muscles following physical activity for a cooling sensation.

The Power of Diffusing Oils – Lavender, Purification
I think just about everyone loves the feeling of a cozy candle in the fall or the fresh, crisp scent of an air freshener in the spring. It makes us feel comfortable in our spaces and cleanses the air around us. Scent is also a huge part of feeling safe, calm, focused, and relaxed, and we are able to achieve both those things with diffusing!
Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Not only does it give your entire space the feeling you desire, you get all the benefits of inhaling the pure essential oils you are diffusing – immune support, respiratory soothing, calming and relaxing, focus and attention – win win!
There is no shortage of options for creating delicious, supportive diffuser blends, but two of our favorite oils for diffusing are Lavender and Purification!
Lavender essential oil is the original when it comes to aromatherapy, and for good reason. Lavender is calming, relaxing, and tranquil. We reach for it at bedtime, when our temples are pounding with tension, when our airways need calming due to air quality issues, and honestly anytime something feels aggravated!
This oil has endless uses – it is truly our Swiss Army Knife! In addition to its tranquil aroma, Lavender provides many skin care benefits, from beauty routines to first aid needs! Some ways we use Lavender include:
- Diffuse Lavender at bedtime, with Lemon & Peppermint for air quality, with Eucalyptus for opening airways, and with Thieves for immune health.
- Apply Lavender topically following sun exposure or add it to your facial essence, serum, or moisturizer.
- Unwind in the evening with a calming Lavender-infused neck or back massage.
- Use Lavender to help cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations. Pair with Frankincense and coconut oil.
When it comes to diffusing, Purification will be your diffuser BFF! This oil is our favorite way to keep our homes smelling fresh and clean – even if they aren’t! It has a crisp, fresh aroma, and unlike many harsh chemical-based sprays it truly eliminates odors and doesn’t simply mask them. It’s a bright, cleansing blend of Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree that we use in so many different ways!
In addition to diffusing, try using Purification in these ways:
- Add Purification to wool dryer balls to give your laundry a bright-smelling boost.
- Drop Purification directly into areas that need some freshening – rain boots, forgotten laundry, diaper pails, etc.
- Use Purification to support healthy airways! Simply mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub onto the chest, neck and back. (This blend is full of wonderful purifying oils for the immune & respiratory systems!)
- Apply Purification topically to calm everyday skin irritations or use to spot-treat blemishes
The Problem with That Grocery Store Essential Oil
Essential oils are everywhere these days (they are finally getting the hype they deserve!) – but that doesn’t mean that all the oils you see around are created equally.
In fact, if you have tried oils before but didn’t get the results you wanted, it was likely because you were using poor quality oils. (And if it was a Young Living oil, you just likely just needed to use it more frequently and consistently!)
Did you know that the essential oil industry is not regulated, so companies will label bottles with claims of being pure even if they contain synthetics, additives or fragrances? Or that the chemicals used to extract an oil become bound to the oil itself and don’t have to be listed on an ingredient list? Alarming, right?
That (among other reasons!) is why we love and use Young Living.
Young Living is a company dedicated to purity and purpose. In a world of bottom lines and investor-driven quotas, this family-owned, farm-driven group of people simply want to create the very best, sustainable oils and products for the people you care about.
Products that will bring you thriving physical, mental, and emotional health.
Products that will be convenient and easy for you to incorporate into your busy day.
Products backed by proven science and experiential evidence that will never sacrifice quality for any reason.
Young Living embraces a rigorous quality control standard to help ensure that all products meet strict specifications. Seed to Seal is the YL commitment that helps ensure that with every pure essential oil and Young Living product your family uses, you’re enjoying the benefits of global resources, industry leadership, and over two decades of innovation.
The result? A pristine final product that you know has been created with conscientious Sourcing, Science, and Standards—the three pillars of the Seed to Seal promise! Read more about it [here](http://seedtoseal.com/en/3-pillars).
Learn more about Young Living, its farms, commitment, processes, and people [here](https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/company).
We highly recommend making it a goal to visit one of Young Living’s worldwide farms someday! It is an educational experience you will never forget. Maybe you’ll even get to plant some lavender that will one day be distilled into a bottle and shipped to your door!
Meanwhile, you have that level of personal dedication to quality and your success in your health journey right here in this app. You loving your results is the goal. And we know you will.

Make a Shift: Daily Wellness Kit
If you are feeling the stress of life, are dragging when it comes to energy, need some solid nutrition as a wellness foundation, or are wanting to flood your body with good things, then this is for you!
The Daily Wellness Kit has everything you need for 30 days of nutrient-dense, health support. It is a starter pack of the fan-favorite, super nutritious NingXia Red (daily wellness!) and NingXia Nitro (kick the brain fog) wolfberry drinks, as well some of the most popular Vitality oils (dietary oils) so you can give your everyday wellness a jumpstart! It includes:
- NingXia Red, 30 count singles
- NingXia Nitro, 14 tubes
- Lime Vitality, 5mL
- Orange Vitality, 5mL
If we had to pick one supplement for overall wellness, it would be NingXia Red. We’ll talk more specifics about this delicious health drink in a bit, but let’s just say we are better people when we have NingXia Red in our daily routine.
Energy, vitality, immune health, mental clarity, glowing skin, healthy hair. There isn’t much that NingXia can’t do! The key is in the antioxidant load that this supplement brings. More than any other supplement or food around!!
Pair this with the sharpness we feel from NingXia Nitro and the immune-supporting (and great tastes!) of Lime and Orange Vitality oils, and you have a powerful set of tools for daily wellness.
In short, these products will help you nourish your body, support normal energy levels and alertness, and add a bright, zesty, citrus twist to your wellness routine!
Oh, NingXia Red. This supplement does so much for our bodies that it’s hard to know where to start!
Besides helping with natural energy, NingXia Red has some amazing health benefits! It supports glowing skin, healthy hair, immune and hormone health, and is the highest known protection against the dangerous superoxide free radicals. It’s an antioxidant powerhouse.
Antioxidants are crucial for a well-nourished body. The word ‘antioxidant’ gets thrown around a lot in the health world, but what does it really mean?
Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow oxidative damage to our body. When our cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage to DNA. Antioxidants act as “free radical scavengers” and go into the cells to prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals.
This affects every single part of our body and health – skin, hair, vision, mental clarity, immune function, and more. So adding antioxidants to your daily routine can have a huge impact!
Just one serving of NingXia Red has the antioxidant power of…
4 Pounds Carrots
2 Quarts Carrot Juice
8 Oranges
1 Pint Orange Juice
2 Pounds Beets
2 Cups Beet Juice
3 Cups Raspberries
2 Cups Blueberries
… combined!
This delicious wolfberry puree is infused with Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, which add to its yummy taste but also help support the immune system.
NingXia is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and mineral, contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. Basically, it is chock full of nutrients.
NingXia Red also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels, making it a great choice for daily health!
In short, NingXia is a daily must!
You put the Lime in the coconut and add some NingXia Red…
That’s how the song goes right?! Either way, we believe that wellness can be fun – and tasty! So we love adding in Lime and Orange Vitality oils into our routines.
Orange Vitality
Cold-pressed from the rinds of oranges grown in Costa Rica, Orange oil has a sweet, authentic aroma and a bright, zesty taste. Orange Vitality oil also blends beautifully with other fruity flavors, making it a tasty addition to smoothies, juices, and NingXia Red! Orange is high in the compound limonene, so it provides digestive and immune system support to the body — all while tasting great!
Lime Vitality
Whether you’re stirring it into drinks for a bright burst of flavor or giving your food a little extra citrus zip, Lime Vitality is a welcome kick of summer that you can enjoy year-round. This citrus oil is bright and happy and adds a little bit of zest to all your favorite foods and drinks!
But Lime is more than just a fun time. Lime essential oil is unique in that it is 100% bioflavonoid. Not only are bioflavonoids impressive in and of themselves, but they also help maximize the benefits of vitamin C by inhibiting its breakdown in the body. This means that Lime not only supports the immune system, it also stimulates detox pathways, helping to clear the body of toxins and unwanted waste. Lime is a wellness powerhouse!
There are so many ways to infuse your routine with these delicious, fun products. Try one of these or mix up your own!
- Midday Mix Up: 1 packet Ningxia Red, 1 tube NingXia Nitro, Coconut water or mineral water, 1 drop Lime Vitality Essential Oil
- Add Orange or Lime Vitality oil to your daily NingXia Red or a smoothie to give it a burst of flavor.
- Add 1–2 drops of Orange Vitality and/or Lime Vitality oil to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily for general health, immune, and antioxidant support.
- Add a few drops of Lime Vitality to your favorite sauces, dips (guacamole anyone??), or marinades to add a burst of fresh lime flavor.
- Infuse your water with 2-3 drops of Orange Vitality, Lime Vitality or a mix of the two. Refresh throughout the day as needed! Option to muddle some fruit in the water as well for extra flavor.
- Add a drop of Orange or Lime Vitality to your favorite herbal tea for a wellness boost.
- Make an Orange or Lime tea by adding a few drops of your chosen Vitality oil to a dollop of honey in a mug, then cover with warm water to infuse.
- Add Lime or Orange to your daily NingXia Red! Empty the packet into a cup, then mix in the essential oils. 1-2 drops is usually enough!
- Try this Everyday Wellness Tonic: 1 packet NingXia Red, 1 tube NingXia Nitro. 2 drops Orange Vitality, 1 drops Lime Vitality, Mineral water
- Make your own mocktail! Mix NingXia Red, Vitality oils and any of the following: coconut water, sparkling water, kombucha, mineral water, prebiotic drinks.
Say goodbye to brain fog with NingXia Nitro! We’re not kidding when we say that this little wellness shot is clarity in a bottle. Alertness, physical fitness, energy. Who doesn’t want (and need!!) those things?!
NingXia Nitro is a delicious, energizing wolfberry drink infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract. These incredible ingredients work together to support alertness and cognitive and physical fitness.
Say goodbye to energy drinks and afternoon pick-me-ups because NingXia Nitro will be your BFF. No jitters or crashes or any harsh stimulants here!
The NingXia wolfberry is a nutrient powerhouse on its own, and when you add energizing B vitamins, ginseng for brain power, d-ribose for energy, and naturally occurring caffeine from green tea, you get the plant-powered boost that your body needs.
Plus, Nitro is infused with health-supporting essential oils – Spearmint, Peppermint, Nutmeg and Black pepper. These oils are great for digestion, supporting the adrenal system (the ‘fight or flight’ system that is often turned on too much, especially in the face of constant stress, exposure to computer screens, demanding jobs, etc.), and improving energy levels.
This slightly sweet supplement shot increases your overall energy reserves, sharpens your mind, and helps you become more focused!

Make a Shift: Happy, Healthy Home Kit
Did you know that cleaning products are a common cause of issues like eczema, asthma, migraine headaches, decreased immunity and more? None of us want these things for ourselves or for our household, and making a shift to a happy, healthy home can be so so easy.
When it comes to creating a truly clean home, there is no better option than Thieves! This cinnamon-y essential oil blend is a germ-fighting powerhouse and is infused into an entire line of all-star cleaning products!
This kit is your one-stop shop for making a shift to a naturally clean, happy, healthy home. Clean your space from top to bottom with this collection of favorites!
- Thieves Household Cleaner (one cleaner to rule them all)
- Amber glass spray bottle (so you can get cleaning as soon as you open the box)
- Thieves Dish Soap (sparkly clean dishes & an amazing stain remover)
- Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub (natural scrubbing power for anything you need)
- Thieves Laundry Soap (to clean up your laundry routine)
- Thieves Essential Oil Blend (immune health, daily wellness, diffusing and MORE)
- Lemon Essential Oil (the original fresh & clean for every part of your life)
These products are some of our most used and are such a huge jump start on a low-tox home. Your cleaning products will touch and affect every single member of the household, so making a shift in this area of your life can have a big impact for everyone!
What’s Lurking in Your Cabinets?
Have you heard the term ‘greenwashing’? It is when companies throw catch phrases or use certain packaging to trick consumers into thinking they are purchasing a natural product, when in reality, what they are buying isn’t natural at all. Unfortunately those ‘natural’ cleaning brands on the store shelves do this.
A little sobering reminder that just because we assume it’s safe, tested, and on our shelves for purchase, doesn’t make it so. In fact…
Many common cleaning products under your sink are considered hazardous substances and are regulated by the Federal Hazardous Substance Act.
Ammonia and chlorine bleach can cause headaches, burn the skin, and irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. Accidentally mixing ammonia and chlorine bleach releases toxic chlorine gas that damages lung tissue and impairs lung function. Cleaning with bleach and Windex? A potentially deadly experiment.
Also, regularly cleaning with bleach—which generally contains chlorine, classified as a hazardous air pollutant in the 1990 Clean Air Act—is particularly harmful to kids because it can trigger and worsen asthma.
The TSCA of 1976 (The Toxic Substances Control Act) grandfathered in approx. 65-100k chemicals currently on the market today (i.e. they haven’t had any safety testing & we know little about them).
Of the chemicals tested, toxic labeling is required only if 50% or more of the animals tested with the chemical die.
Under the TSCA, manufacturers are protected by trade secret laws that allow them to keep their ingredient list a secret. Sometimes that’s just to keep their competitors from knowing their formulas and isn’t hiding anything, but you’ll never know unless you can trust the way a company operates.
To date as of this writing, the EU (European Union) has banned 1,300 chemicals in cosmetics; the FDA in America has banned only eleven.
I’m really not comfortable with using something that caused almost half of the animals tested to die. And is still unknown on people
While we’re at it, talk about the real “F word” – fragrance. Fragrance is a very loosely defined term when it comes to use in personal care and household products. Fragrance and synthetic perfumes are in EVERYTHING and problematic because companies aren’t required to disclose the exact ingredients in the fragrances. Even ‘natural fragrance’ is problematic. Just because something is natural, doesn’t mean we want to rub it on our skin (ie: formaldehyde – a naturally occurring compound that we don’t want on our skin!). As the world leader in essential oils, Young Living utilizes refreshing scents of the pure essential oils instead of fragrance.
I’m also pretty uncomfortable with all the lack of disclosure in ingredients, especially fragrances. So I am incredibly grateful that I know that every single fragrance in my Young Living home care products is a pure essential oil.
We’ve already mentioned how companies greenwash their products and make us think they have natural ingredients when they still contain fragrance, dyes, triclosan or other endocrine disruptors, and synthetic ingredients. This is true for dish and laundry soap too!
Since these two products are ones that we come in contact with every single day, making a shift to a natural, low-tox product can have a huge impact when it comes to reducing your overall toxic load!
Another thing to note is that alllll those bubbles in your sink (or washing machine!!!) aren’t actually cleaning your dishes any better. It is a trick called ‘pharmaceutical elegance’ that acts as a visual cue to your brain to make you think you’re getting a really clean sink of dishes. In reality, it doesn’t make a difference.
All you need are natural, plant-based surfactants. Surfactants (natural or synthetic) are added to soap to break down the surface tension between the water you’re using to wash and the grease or oil on your dishes or clothing.
Enter Thieves Dish Soap & Thieves Laundry Soap!!
Thieves Dish Soap is a cleaning powerhouse that is free of the typical sulfates, dyes, and synthetics found in many dish soaps, and the plant-based formula leaves no harsh chemical residues – on your dishes or on your skin. Plus, a little goes a long way, and this bottle can up your cleaning game in the rest of the house too!
PS – Thieves Dish Soap is also a laundry-room favorite for fighting stains! Just dab a little on a stain, gently scrub with a laundry brush, and wash as normal!
Did you know that conventional laundry soap is a leading cause of skin allergies and irritation – especially in children? We don’t often think about it, but the residues left on clothes and linens from conventional cleaners sit on our skin, often causing low-level irritation.
Plus, almost all conventional laundry options contain optical brighteners! Optical brighteners give clothing the appearance of being clean by reflecting blue light – giving the illusion of whiter-looking fabrics. The design of these chemicals is to absorb directly into fabrics and remain on clothes well after washing.
No thanks.
When it comes to washing our clothing and linens, Thieves Laundry Soap is hands-down our favorite. Safe, effective, eco-friendly and economical cleaning with the power of plants? Sign us up!
Fabrics come out of the washer clean and with a pleasant citrus aroma, thanks to a 100 percent pure blend of Thieves, Jade Lemon, and Bergamot essential oils! No fragrance, SLS, dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfume, and optical brighteners here!!

How would it feel to only have 2 or 3 bottles of cleaner under your kitchen sink? How calming would it be to only have to grab one bottle of cleaner for your whole home? Wouldn’t it feel so great to open those cabinets and see a tidy, organized set of just a few items you can grab and clean anything and everything??
Well say hello to Thieves Household Cleaner and Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub! These two bottles, plus some hand soap and our amber spray bottle, are the only things under our kitchen sinks. AND they clean the whole house!
Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC) is the perfect, versatile go-to for all your cleaning needs for a happy, healthy home. This Young Living exclusive includes only plant-based and naturally derived ingredients – no synthetic shortcuts or potentially harsh ingredients.
Plus, the concentrated formula means that one 14.4oz bottle makes 20-25 spray bottles of standard cleaner! We love this household staple for everything from general cleaning to tough messes to DIYs.
And the sidekick for THHC? Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub!
This scrub is the perfect naturally derived cleaner: tough on messes and safe for your family! You get the power of a surface scrub without all of the harmful chemical smells and residue in conventional options.
Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub gains its tough scrubbing power from nepheline syenite, a naturally occurring mineral from Canada; baking soda that gently absorbs odors; sodium percarbonate that releases oxygen when combined with water, providing a powerful boost of cleaning power against tough stains; and Young Living’s signature Thieves blend.
Side note: Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub is a great way to remove baked-on grease from your ovenware! Simply wet the area, sprinkle on Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub, add a few drops of Lemon essential oil and let sit. Then scrub as usual!
This is yet another reason we love these products – they are versatile and easy to use!

The DIY Dream: Thieves Oil, Lemon Oil
Whether you are an avid DIYer or more of a DI-buyer, you will love the versatility and ease of having Thieves and Lemon essential oils in your arsenal – for your home, your health, your skincare routine, and more!
Let’s start with Lemon.
This bright, crisp, versatile oil is a must have for every home for everything from cleaning to diffusing to removing sticky residues and stains. Think of Lemon as cleansing, purifying and your BFF for cutting through grease – whether that is on your dishes or on your skin! Plus, lemon is a natural mucolytic, meaning it can help support the airways during times of need.
Ohhhh, Thieves. Our beloved Thieves!
This powerful blend of immune boosting oils works with the body’s natural defense systems, making it one we reach for every day. Use this spicy smelling oil in all your cleaning DIYs and to support overall immune health and daily wellness!
Here are some of the ways we use these versatile oils…
Around the house:
- Add 30 drops of Lemon to your Thieves Household Cleaner.
- Add 3 drops of Lemon or Thieves onto wool dryer balls to replace dryer sheets
- Mix 10 drops Lemon with equal parts Thieves Dish Soap and Thieves Cleaner to make a simple stain roller or spray.
- Make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster with 1 cup Epsom Salt, ½ cup Fine Sea Salt, ½ cup Baking Soda, and 30 drops Lemon Essential Oil (or a mix of Lemon & Thieves oils). To use, add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
- Diffuse Lemon and Thieves in your home for fresh, clean air.
- Make shower cleaning a breeze! Fill a scrubbing brush with ⅓ part Thieves Dish Soap, 5 drops Lemon, 2 Tbsp THHC, and water.
- Make a Mattress & Upholstery Spray. To a 16oz glass spray bottle add 1-2 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner, 20 drops each Thieves & Lemon, and filtered water
- Add a few drops of Lemon or Thieves to your dishwasher to eliminate odors and boost cleaning.
- Make a refreshing room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle add 20 drops Thieves, 10 drops Lemon, a splash of organic witch hazel & fill with filtered water
- Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener. To a glass jar add 1 cup baking soda, ½ cup salt, 30 drops Thieves, and 20 drops Lemon. Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
For personal and skin care:
- Use Lemon for oily skin or blemishes. Use diluted on the t-zone or use on a q-tip to spot treat blemishes.
- Add 5 drops of Lemon or Thieves (or a combination of both!) to 1 cup of epsom salt for a luxurious, health-benefiting soak.
- Use Lemon essential oil as a natural nail polish remover.
- Add a drop of Lemon to your conditioner to promote shine in your hair.
- Sprinkle a few drops of Thieves or Lemon in your shower with some epsom salt for an awakening shower steam in the morning.
- GIve your tired feet some love with this Lemon Herb Foot Scrub. Mix 2 Tbsp Organic Sugar, 1 Tbsp Olive Oil, 2 Tbsp of Honey, 1 tsp Lemon Juice, and 3 drops each Thieves, Lemon.
For wellness needs:
- Make a simple chest rub with 5 drops each Lemon, Thieves essential oil and solid coconut oil. Apply to the neck, chest and back.
- Dilute Thieves and Lemon and apply to the bottoms of your kids’ feet in the morning and for a great day at school. We love to make rollers for this!
- Make a Daily Wellness Roller (10mL): 20-30 drops each Lemon, Thieves essential oils + carrier of choice (jojoba oil). Other great additions: Frankincense, Oregano, Pine.
- Add a drop Lemon and/or Thieves to your favorite herbal tea for liver and immune support.
Loyalty Rewards
If you like making life simpler, saving money, getting free products and a good discount, then this is for you!
You will want to order your YL favorites via the Loyalty Rewards program so you can earn reward points, gain access to exclusive oils, save money and have it all show up at your doorstep. Hello, easy button!
Loyalty Rewards is Young Living’s monthly autoship program that unlocks a 24 percent discount as long as there is an active subscription order. Being enrolled in Loyalty Rewards makes you eligible to earn reward points and loyalty gifts as well as extra freebies with the monthly Gift with Purchase. There is no minimum order amount for Loyalty Rewards, but if you want to earn points (and who doesn’t?!) make sure your order is at least 50PV.
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- Add products to your cart using the Add to Cart button on the product pages.
- During checkout, you’ll see an option that says, “Would you like to make this your first loyalty order?” Select “Yes” and all items in your cart will process today for loyalty points, and any Loyalty Rewards-eligible items will appear in your My Loyalty Order tab once your order processes. There is no minimum PV required, but at least one item that is eligible for Loyalty Rewards must be in your cart in order to enroll.
- Manage your items in your My Loyalty Order tab for next month by adding, deleting, or moving items into Saved for Later before your next process date.
Order Now
- Let’s get you started today with one of these kits on Loyalty and then you can add one per month for the perfect three-month plan to revolutionize your health and home one easy shift at a time!

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- Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.
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