If you are not sure where to start on your wellness journey with Young Living, get these 4 supplements and let me know, so that I can help you. Simply send me, Viviane, a text to: (248) 587-7292


  • Helps prevent oxidative stress from free radicals*
  • Contains a proprietary blend of essential oils with antioxidants that help maintain cell integrity*
  • Thyme essential oil may help protect DHA levels, a nutrient that supports brain function*
  • Clove essential oil contains antioxidant properties and eugenol*
  • Frankincense essential oil may support general health and well-being*
  • Orange essential oil contains d-limonene and may support the immune system*

There is soooo much more to this supplement that we can not talk about on the “internet”

Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRliUDbiJHc

Life 9 probiotic:

  • Promotes healthy digestion*
  • Supports overall gut health*
  • Supports a healthy immune system*
  • Helps maintain normal intestinal function*

Master Formula:

  • Contains gut flora-supporting prebiotics
  • Ingredients help neutralize free radicals in the body
  • Provides the body with essential nutrients
  • Supports digestive health
  • Vitamins and minerals help support bone density and health, brain function, cellular protection, digestive health, energy levels, eye health, heart health, immune support, and skin health

Ningxia Red:

  • Clinically shown to: 
    • Provide energy support without caffeine* 
    • Increase physical energy levels significantly while reducing physical limitations* 
    • Support whole-body health and wellness* 
    • Improve sleep patterns, increasing time asleep* 
    • Reduce daily stress significantly to improve mental well-being* 

Use our code ShareYL for a 10% discount, if you are new or haven’t ordered in 2 years.

  • No minimum purchases.
  • Lots of options and a community FULL of resources.
  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

Use your Aroma Nest friend’s referral number or mine (1637031) and DM me so that I can switch you over quickly to connect you.

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Instagram @AromaNestFamily & Facebook.com/AromaNestFamilyBlog


New? Find your Aroma Nest friend who’s sent you here to use their referral link.

Can’t find her/him? Send me a text and I’ll help you: (248) 587-7292 or

email: Viviane@VivianeNiemann.com