Most commercial cleaning products are full of super nasty, get-that-away-from-me ingredients.

How toxic are my household cleaners?

According to the American Lung Association, the ingredients in most commercial solutions, sprays, and scrubs can:

• Be air pollutants

• Be harmful chemicals

• Be flammable or corrosive

• Irritate eyes or throat

• Cause headaches

• Contribute to health problems like chronic respiratory problems and allergic reactions

Not only are these ingredients problematic, but they’re pretty far from your “let’s go green!” goals. Choosing cleaners with naturally derived ingredients is a win for you and a win for Mother Earth.

If you want to dig deeper and know why we’ve been ditching toxins, check out our Clean Home Session:

I’d love to connect!

Are you ready to get your Thieves household cleaner? I recommend the bundle. Check out the above-mentioned session to know why and how to get the most out of it.


Viviane & your Aroma Nest friends

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  • Lots of options and a community FULL of resources.
  • Access to Viviane, who is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach. Lots of health & wellness resources, healthy meal plans & recipes for our clients.
  • Make sure to message me via Facebook, Viviane, with any questions and/or once you got your account with us to get your welcome gift and access to our resources & groups.

Use your Aroma Nest friend’s referral number or mine (1637031) and DM me so that I can switch you over quickly to connect you.

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Can’t find her/him? Send me a text and I’ll help you: (248) 587-7292 or
