Let me just tell you this: 87-93% of disease comes from our THOUGHT LIFE and boy did I have to change…. to be honest, my mom and dad told me that twenty years ago already, but did I listen?!? NOPE.
*Thoughts* become emotions, emotions become attitude. Our attitude is our reaction, and all of our daily reactions make up our lifestyle. It all boils down to two kinds of emotions.
Love-based (positive) emotions, and fear-based (negative) emotions.
Love-based emotions include:
- Love,
- Joy,
- Trust,
- Confidence,
- Belief,
- Happiness,
- Caring,
- Sharing,
- Forgiveness,
- Freedom,
- Harmony,
- Honesty,
- Compassion,
- Respect,
- Acceptance, and
- Peace.
Fear-based emotions include:
- Fear,
- Anger,
- Regret,
- Anxiety,
- Frustration,
- Resentment,
- Blame,
- Sadness,
- Jealousy,
- Negativity, and
- Stress.
It’s no secret that our world is sicker than we’ve ever been with lifestyle diseases, which means that we are more filled with fear-based emotions than ever before.
Fear-based emotions lead to toxic attitudes.
Toxic attitudes produce toxic responses in the body. (Think migraines, hypertension, cancer, allergies, chronic pain, diabetes, and just really BAD THINGS.)
Dr. Bradley Nelson from “The Emotion Code” said “A trapped emotion is literally a ball of energy, and these will lodge anywhere in the body and disrupt the normal energy field of the body.” Sounds crazy, but it makes sense!
Listen to this: Our emotions are stored in different parts of our body.
– Anger is stored in the liver & gallbladder.
– Worry is stored in the stomach (you know that butterfly energy you feel when you’re nervous?).
– Grief is stored in the lungs (ever experienced grief that felt like it took all the breath out of your lungs?).
– Fear is stored in the kidneys.
– Stress is stored in the heart.
So, what does this mean?
We must take care of our emotional health in order to take care of our physical self!
Mind & body are so very connected.
Let’s talk about the brain. We have this part of our brain called the Limbic System, which is referred to as “the emotional brain.”
Within the limbic system is something called the amygdala, which is where we PROCESS our emotions.
Our 5 senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell), SMELL is the ONLY one that activates the limbic system! That’s one reason why aromatherapy is so incredibly powerful. We can diffuse or breathe in oils to open up our amygdala and process our emotions in a healthy way!
Let’s break it down even more and talk about cells.
As you know, we are made up of an insane amount of cells. Your cells, just like your brain, have a memory. The nucleus, which lives inside the cell, is the thinker. It tells the cell what to do (and it’s where DNA is produced). According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, “research shows that DNA actually changes shape according to our thoughts. As you think those negative thoughts about the future- the week ahead, what a person might say or do, even in the absence of a concrete stimulus – that toxic thinking will change your brain wiring in a negative direction and throw your mind and body into stress.” So, information must go through the cell and into the nucleus so that it stays in communication and keeps working properly.
How does the information pass through? Through what’s called receptor sites. But listen to this. *Negative or fear-based emotions damage the receptor sites on your cells.* Just like chemical toxins (processed foods, GMOs, smoking, toxic beauty products) block those receptor sites, so do our fear-based emotions. And when the receptor sites are blocked, our cells don’t get the information they need. THAT is how disease can take hold in the body. What does this have to do with oils?
Essential oils are made up of different constituents, and some of them (phenols, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, etc.) serve to clean and repair our receptor sites so that our limbic system can function as it should!

Release is a POWERHOUSE blend for emotional support.
It was designed to stimulate your pineal gland, which is responsible for your melatonin production (ever notice how you can’t sleep when you’re stressed?) and cleanse your liver (the organ that tends to hold feelings of anger/resentment). When I first started using oils, I was pretty eye-rolly about their effects on my emotional well-being, but I can now tell you that detox baths with our oils are part of my regular routine because of the way it makes me feel!

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