Young Living for College


Think back to your time in a dorm. Don’t you wish you would have “known better” of how to take care of yourself and be more independent? 

It was different where I grew up in Europe. My mother was already on the holistic route, way before others even thought about it over there. She made her own lotions and potions and cleaned a lot with baking soda, etc. That was in Europe though, where there were thousands of toxins already illegal for manufacturers to use. 

In 1976, there was a law passed in our country (The Toxic Substance Control Act) that grandfathered in over 100,000 chemicals.

In one study of just 3,000 of those chemicals over 800 of them are found to be toxic to the human body. On average the American home has about 1,000 chemicals in it. 

What is the requirement for any company to put a warning label on their product? It means that they have to test their products on animals and 50% of those animals have to die. They can still sell it, but they have to put a warning label on it. 

If the product does NOT have a warning label on it, that means that less than 50% of the animals DID NOT DIE. That doesn’t mean that 49% did die. 

Last year the EPA released an article claiming that there is enough evidence that formaldehyde is directly linked to childhood cancer. 

  • Household cleaners
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Baby wash 
  • Lotions
  • Creams
  • Toothpaste
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Scented candles
  • Make up
    • Just to name a few

Let’s teach our children to do better and be better. We didn’t know. But we do now. 

So let’s talk about some dorm room essentials! We truly think that the Premium Starter Kit is the best way to get started with oils no matter what age you are at — because you get twelve oils that you can use to support so many different things — from your immune system to energy support to sleep support, and more! And that great diffuser to help purify the air that you’re floor-mates are sure to fall in love with as well!!

Did you know that you can use the referral link from your Virtual Office to set up a wholesale account for your child (16+)? Get her/him their own Premium Starter Kit and YL will send you a $50 thank you check next month (for sure when you are already on Essential Rewards, or you get something for yourself this month for 50 PV). 

There are so many amazing products that YL offers for you to support wellness. Whether oils for emotional support, concentration, sleep support, or more, or to fill up all your shower supplies, like shampoo and conditioner, body wash, lotion, etc. there is something to meet your needs! 

Some of our favorite dorm room must haves?! 

What are some of your dorm room essentials?!

Homesick Roller

Maybe you experience it at times, and maybe you don’t. I do, since my entire family lives in Europe. If you go through times of homesickness or just need a little emotional support, then this roller is for you!

Combine equal parts of

into a roller bottle and fill it up with the carrier oil of your choice. These oils help to soothe the emotions and bring you courage to help you keep going. Reach for this whenever you need a little extra emotional support. It’s like a giant hug for your heart, just in a bottle!

Study Time

These inevitable study times—whether we dread them or joyfully accept them, let’s just admit that at times it can be hard to settle down and get serious about work. Or maybe it’s just me??!?! Here are some great oils to use to help focus and settle down to study and do work!

  • Vetiver – this oil has a distinct earthy and grounding scent to it. Use this oil to help focus and stay calm during tense times! This one is a MUST for your homework routine! It is a very thick oil and needs to be warmed up in your hands (or bra, don’t laugh, it’s the easiest way 😉 )
  • GeneYus – Similar in sesquiterpenes levels to Brain Power, it is formulated to help you focus and concentrate on your task at hand! Put a roller attachment on this one and roll it on before the school day begins, or even put it in your bag so that you can use it throughout the day!
  • Cedarwood – working with the brain to reset faulty patterns and create new, healthier ways to learn and function, you will find that sleep may just turn into something that rejuvenates you body and soul. GREAT for grounding, support in calming down- a wonder oil paired up with vetiver in “off to school” roller!
  • Lavender (Premium Starter Kit) – Remember, it’s our sweet Grandmother oil! Gentle, soft, comforting, relaxing, and all about making us at home. This is the Swiss Army knife of oils, good for anything!
  • Bergamot – this is an incredible oil for emotional support, very emotionally grounding. This one is great for support when calming down and taking that time to get ready to focus!
  • Brain Power – helps to promote a sense of clarity and focus. Gives your brain the support it needs to do the work it needs to do!

Diffuse these oils! Use them topically! Carry them to class with you or to the library when you have a big project coming or a long night of studying! You’ll be glad for their extra support!

Midterm/Finals Diffuser Blends

Midterm and finals week (and the weeks leading up to them!) can be filled with a lot of stress and a lot of studying and a lot less sleep! Here are some great diffuser blends for some extra support during these hectic weeks of the semester!

Genius Zone:

Homework Helper:

Test Stress Buster:

Study Session:

Rise and Shine:

Sleep Tight:

Which one of these are you going to pop into the diffuser first?!


This is a combo of clarity, brain power, and lemon mixed with carrier oil! I love to use this in those moments when I really need to focus and settle down and get to work! These oils help support concentration so that we can do the work that we need to do, while also being invigorating so that we can stay focused and at work!
This is my favorite roller:

First Day Roller

The first day of college, or even the first day of a new semester, can be a little nerve-wracking. The first day of any new thing can come with butterflies and a little uncertainty! You have to try this first day ready roller blend as you get ready to begin your classes or meet your new roommate for the first time!

Use VALOR (comes in the Premium Starter Kit). I reach for this roller when I’m feeling those butterflies and nervous energy, and need some emotional support that will also help me to focus. This blend is great for emotional support, so pull this roller out as you get ready for your first day of school or student orientation or before your next presentation or before taking that midterm or for whatever project you are working on that is making you feel a little bit jittery! This is for you!

Add 15-20 drops to a roller-bottle and fill it up with your favorite carrier oil or get yourself the pre-made Valor Roll-On.

Immune Support

Don’t wait until your child calls you on the phone hacking up a lung or going through boxes of Kleenex to try and help them out.  Make sure your college student knows to rub Thieves on their feet every night before bed while at school, especially if any of their roommates or friends is feeling under the weather!  Get this habit instilled into them right from the start and things will go much better! It is so important that everyday we are supporting our immune systems to stay above the wellness line. And let’s be real, when we’re around a lot of people, whether in classes or the cafeteria or living in a dorm or an apartment full of roommates, things go around, which makes using oils even that much greater!!!

When it comes to immune support, Thieves is always a great go-to! Thieves essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals used while robbing the dead and dying, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products.

For daily immune support, I have a roller I’ve made of equal parts Thieves, Lemon, Peppermint, and Frankincense that I roll on the bottoms of my feet and down my spine, morning and night! I also love to diffuse this combo!

Some other favorites for immune support? Purification, oregano, clove, eucalyptus radiata, RC, and Raven!

Now is the time to stock up on these gems. The Cough Drops!

  • Believe me, they will go out of stock once the season is here: Thieves Cough Drops – The power of Thieves® and menthol in a cough drop! The triple-action formula of Thieves® Cough Drops offers comfort by relieving coughs, soothing sore throats, and cooling nasal passages. Minty, spicy, and sweet without processed sugar, dyes, artificial flavors, or preservatives, these cough drops are made with naturally derived ingredients, including Young Living’s pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and menthol from peppermint. 

One more option is the supplement Inner Defense.

  • Everybody should have that on hand! Inner Defense™ reinforces systemic defenses, creates unfriendly terrain for yeast/fungus, promotes healthy respiratory function, and contains potent essential oils like oregano, thyme, and Thieves® which are rich in thymol, carvacrol, and eugenol for immune support. It’s a must have!

With the benefits of Thieves oil including cleaning power and an irresistibly spicy scent, Young Living offers it as an essential oil blend and as an important ingredient in a full range of home (dorm/apartment) cleaning and personal care products, from dish soap to toothpaste. Looking to make your room smell as clean as it looks (or as you want it to look)? Diffuse Thieves oil throughout the house for an aroma that makes every room smell more like fall baking than harsh cleaning formulas.

Plus you can share the gift of wellness and immune support with friends—make them a Thieves roller for them to try on their own, or get them the new Thieves Roll-On


AHHH, what college student doesn’t like sleep?!? 

*Add 2 drops each to the diffuser (Premium Starter Kit) and drift off to Never Never Land

*5 drops of each to a roller bottle, fill the rest with a carrier oil and rub on the bottoms of feet at bedtime

is supplement containing four powerful essential oils that have unique sleep-enhancing properties in a softgel vegetarian capsule for easy ingestion. Combining lavender, vetiver, valerian, and Ruta graveolens essential oils with the hormone melatonin—a well-known sleep aid—SleepEssence is a natural way to enable a full night’s rest.

ImmuPro™ has been specially formulated to provide exceptional immune system support when combined with a healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep to support the body’s needs.*

This power-packed formula combines naturally-derived immune-supporting Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides with a unique blend of reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders to deliver powerful antioxidant activity to help reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress from free radicals.*

ImmuPro provides zinc and selenium for proper immune function* along with other chelated minerals which emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body. It also delivers melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body’s natural sleep rhythm.*

With non-GMO dextrose instead of fructose and more Orange essential oil than ever, this formula delivers more of what you want and less of what you don’t! This delicious fruit-flavored chewable supplement also has the same great wolfberry flavor but with a new crunchy texture.

These two are occasional options!


Oh late nights! They always feel so worth it in the moment, but then when you have a huge paper to write the next day or a long night of studying ahead, it can be tough to keep the energy going, am I right?!?
Thankfully Young Living has some great options to help naturally boost our energy so we don’t have to reach for sugary drinks or snacks, or load up on too much caffeine.

  • First, Ningxia Red (Premium Starter Kit) ! NingXia Red combines the extraordinary wolfberry superfruit with pure Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils, along with blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices to deliver a whole-body nutrient infusion. This powerful formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health-supporting benefits, while ongoing research continues to reveal exciting new properties on this ingredient. Enjoy NingXia Red daily to energize, fortify, and revitalize the body and support overall health and wellness, from head to toe. It’s all the amazing immune support that you need to keep your body going, and a great boost of energy as well!!
  • Second, Ningxia Nitro! When you need a midday (midnight?!) boost, it’s easy to reach for things like soda and energy drinks. Skip the sugary solution and reboot with an option from Young Living. With NingXia Nitro, you’ll get a quick pick-me-up without the sugar or caffeine overload. Infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract, NingXia Nitro supports alertness, as well as cognitive and physical fitness. A great support for body and mind wellness, use NingXia Nitro for running, weightlifting, or getting through your afternoon slump. The naturally occurring caffeine in Young Living’s NingXia Nitro supports normal energy levels and alertness to help you with a busy day or a tough workout. Stash Nitro wherever you need it! The small, convenient packaging makes it a great addition to your office desk, gym bag, or purse.
  • Third, Ningxia Zyng! A hydrating splash of essential oil-infused goodness, NingXia Zyng™ uses the same whole-fruit wolfberry puree found in our popular superfruit supplement, NingXia Red®. We add sparkling water, pear and blackberry juices, and a hint of Lime and Black Pepper essential oils for a dynamic, unique taste. You’ll enjoy a refreshing boost that’s full of flavor without artificial flavors and preservatives. With natural flavors and sweeteners, white tea extract, and added vitamins, NingXia Zyng delivers 35 mg of naturally occurring caffeine and only 35 calories per can, making it a sweet, guilt-free boost for your early morning, long afternoon, or anytime you need a little Zyng! It’s an energy drink you can feel good about!
  • Lastly, one of my favorite oils—En R Gee! Fresh and herbaceous, En-R-Gee essential oil blend offers an invigorating aromatic boost when you need it most. Diffuse or apply it topically during your morning routine or before any activity to enjoy the stimulating, spicy-pine fragrance of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Balsam Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper essential oils. I put a drop on each of my big toes first thing in the morning, and whenever I need a little extra energy support throughout the day. I’ll even diffuse it with tangerine at times if I need a little extra pep!!

Are you an all-nighter kind of person?!? Whether you are or not, we all have moments when we can use a little extra energy support. Thankfully Young Living has us covered ☺


(because Ramen noodles, mac and cheese and Hamburger Helper are chalk full of SO many nutrients…NOT!!!)

Ningxia Red

With Thieves Vitality and NingXia Red, you have a quick and easy way to support your child’s overall wellness and build a healthy immune system! Have them add a drop of Thieves Vitality to a NingXia shot, apple juice or hot tea or cereal to promote overall wellness all year long! 

One ounce of NingXia has the antioxidant power of:

  • 4 pounds of carrots,
  • 2 quarts of carrot juice,
  • 8 oranges,
  • 1 pint orange juice,
  • 2 pounds beets,
  • 2 cups of beet juice,
  • 3 cups of raspberries,
  • 2 cups of blueberries

Some other fantastic benefits of NingXia is that is supports healthy liver function, improves digestion, it can increase energy levels, maintains proper blood sugar levels, supports cardiovascular function, and so much more.

NingXia Red an absolute must-have for any time of year. Let your immune system work for you!  It supports whole body health and wellness, helps to prevent against oxidative stress and supports eye health. It contains all of our necessary amino acids. And soooo many more benefits.  Let’s face it, the typical college student diet consists of pizza, chips and soda (and for those on a budget – Ramen noodles)…not much nutrition going on there!  

Master Formula is not your regular multi vitamin

MightyPro Pre-/Probiotics, because this version does not have to be refrigerated. Perfect for the backpack!

Why take a good probiotic?! Let’s talk about the gut-brain connection and why it is SO important. You probably know that poor gut health can lead to stomach issues but did you know it is also linked to anxiety?
Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations make you feel nauseous? What about butterflies? We use these expressions for a reason!! The GI tract is sensitive to emotion — so all of those big feelings can trigger gut symptoms.

Harvard Medical School published a great study on this called “The Gut-Brain Connection.”
The brain has a DIRECT effect on the GI tract and vice versa. Therefore, a person’s stomach can be the cause OR the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. Given the intimate connection between the gut and brain, it becomes easier to understand that nauseated feeling before a presentation or when you’re under stress.
Did you know that 90% of serotonin is made in the digestive tract? Serotonin is our “happy hormone”!

So what does a good probiotic have to do with this? Well, when your GI tract is in distress, good bacteria is deteriorated and bad bacteria flocks in its place. Good health starts in the gut!!!

ALSO. If we are talking about overall health – Did you know 80% of your immune system is housed in your gut flora? This is important. Always getting sick? FOCUS ON THE GUT.

Do you know what the top contributors are to destroying your gut?+ Antibiotics+ Sugar+ GMOs and pesticides+ Gluten+ Tap water+ Stress (!!!!)

Now obviously we live in a modern world where we come into contact with this stuff non stop — so having a good probiotic in your body may help to restore and replenish the natural balance of good microbes that can be depleted from these gut killers above.

So next steps?! If you are not already taking Life9 yourself you neeeed to add it to your next ER order! Have a spouse? Make sure they are taking it too. Research shows the best time is to take it in the evening after your dinner. Do you have little ones or teenagers who won’t remember to put Life 9 into the fridge? Make sure to snag MightyPro and get your kids taking it consistently too.Happy gut = happy life.

AlkaLime, because the food/-drink choices are not always the best.

Enjoy AlkaLime™ on the go with our convenient, single-serve stick packs. Toss a few in your purse or backpack for a gentle, alkalizing solution while at work or around town. Lemon and Lime essential oils combine with nine different mineral cell salts for a pleasantly fizzy drink. Naturally support pH balance and soothe the occasional upset stomach!

AlkaLime™ now comes in convenient single-serve stick packs, so you can enjoy this mild, alkalinizing drink on the go. Keep a few in your purse, backpack, or at the office. The effervescing mix is formulated with Lemon and Lime essential oils, organic lemon powder, and biochemical mineral cell salts to create a crisp and soothing beverage that’s gentle on stomachs. Simply empty a packet into 4–6 ounces of cool, pure water, then stir and enjoy. Contains no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.

  • Absorbed easily and quickly by the body
  • Effervescent formula starts working right away to soothe the occasional upset stomach
  • Gentle on the stomach
  • Helps maintain optimal pH in the stomach
  • Free of artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, and formulated with nine biochemical mineral cell salts, the refreshing taste of Lemon and Lime essential oils, and organic lemon powder
  • Comes in convenient, single-serve stick packs

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

EssentialZyme-4, because again, the food choices are not going to be the best. + I think, with our modern, processed diet, we all need it, every single day.

DiGize is a must have for us. We don’t leave the house without it.

No time, or space, to cook? Get them a blender (I love this one. I’ve had it for at least 9 years) and either the chocolate or vanilla Pure Protein Complete shake.


Made with lutein, zeaxanthin, and a host of other powerful, naturally derived ingredients, IlluminEyes is a fresh look at eye heath supplements, packed with eye- and skin-supporting benefits.

  • Protects eyes from damaging blue light
  • Improves visual performance
  • Helps protect and maintain proper eye health
  • Helps support vision in low light settings
  • Helps reduce eye fatigue and eye strain
  • Increases macular pigment optical density
  • May help reduce eye health deterioration common with age
  • Maintains healthy looking skin
  • Helps support skin strength and durability
Please take a moment to listen to Dr. Mike Buch:


I don’t know what it’s like with the boys, but boy oh boy!  If you have girls, you know ALL about the hormone roller coaster ride.  Everything is life and death or the end of the world as we know it! LOL. Now picture 2-4 girls to a dorm room/apartment????  That’s a recipe for disaster!  

Here are some essential oils that have really helped us…

  • Progessence Plus. Look it up in our Facebook group. It’s a must have for every woman.
  • Lavender (gotta love this oil!) (Premium Starter Kit) – excellent to drop in a bath with Epsom salts to calm/relax, or rub the lower back and abdomen to sooth the body during “that time”…
  • Dragon Time – to help promote feelings of stability and calm during cycles of moodiness (sound familiar???)
  • EndoFlex – supports the endocrine system and for female hormonal support (the endocrine system controls everything from metabolism to moods). 

Athletes and Active Students

Muscle/joint soreness is a fact of life for the student athlete!  What better way to let them feel your TLC away from home than to make sure they have on hand some comforting natural products to help them feel better.  So in addition to some of the supplements that we’ve already talked about, you can add any of these to a Wellness Kit for soothing comfort for your kiddo. 

*Massage a few drops of any of these essential oils mixed with your favorite carrier oil onto the desired areas after exercise. 

Or try one of these alternatives…


Let’s chat about SKINCARE!! Have you tried the ART line of facial cleansers yet?!? They are AMAZING!! Makes the skin so radiant and soft and even!! And developing a healthy skincare routine is sooooo important!!

  • ART Gentle Cleanser promotes glowing skin by washing away impurities with a soft, gentle lather. Infused with skin-loving essential oils, your face will feel clean and refreshed with a renewed, radiant look.
  • ART Refreshing Toner gently removes impurities without drying the skin. The perfect blend of essential oils helps balance your skin’s pH, while leaving your face clean, toned, and refreshed.

ART Light Moisturizer helps your skin retain and maintain proper hydration. With Young Living essential oils and other premium ingredients, your skin will enjoy a feeling of silky softness.

I spent years and years on the hunt for a skincare system that I love!! And as I became much more mindful of the products that I use on my skin, my priority for clean/toxin free beauty products set me on a whole new search! So so thankful for these products that have been formulated with the cleanest ingredients and which work amazingly!!


Oh the beauty of laundry day! Are you great at staying on top of your laundry, or are you one of those (like, ahem, me) who waits until things pile up and then all of a sudden you have massive loads of laundry to do?!

Either way—Young Living has the most amazing laundry soap ready for your laundry day needs. Whether you are living at home or visit home just to do laundry or you know the beauty of dormitory laundry rooms, you have to try Thieves laundry soap!

With a plant-based formula, Thieves Laundry Soap gently and naturally washes your clothes, cleaning them without any chemical or synthetic residue. Natural enzymes and powerful essential oils add to the formula’s strength to leave your clothes fresh and clean with a light citrus scent.

Thieves Laundry Soap can be used in all washers, including high-efficiency, and its highly concentrated formula (6X) will provide around 64 loads with just 32 fl. Oz (946 ml). In other words: it’s the best bang for your buck!

I love how soft and clean my clothes are, and sometimes even add extra drops of oil right to the soap for a little extra scent. I also love using the Seedlings Baby Wipes as dryer sheets, or wool dryer balls with some oil on them!

Have you tried the laundry soap yet?!


Our college years are great years of our lives, but let’s be honest, we don’t always have a lot of extra money rolling around in our pockets, right?! So let’s chat about different ways we can embrace wellness on a budget.

First tip — make rollers with your oils so that they last longer!

If you put, say, 10 drops of Thieves into a roller and then fill the rest with carrier oil, it will go much further than if you just use it straight out of the bottle. This can be helpful when we want to use our oils daily to stay above the wellness line, but use them sparingly. There are also so many different oils under $20 as you seek to build up your oily stash!

Consider signing up some friends and family in order to pay for your oils—did you know that when someone signs up under you, you qualify to earn $50? So if you sign up three friends, that’s $150! Which can go right back into your wellness budget and get your Essential Rewards order paid for. 

Speaking of Essential Rewards—why not spread the love?!?! Do you live in a dorm?! Ask your friends and floor-mates if there is anything that they would like to try. Share the gift of wellness with others and go in on it together. 

If you have any questions about how you can get your oils/makeup/supplements, etc. paid for, be sure to reach out! We’ll get you all hooked up!

Whatever you add to your cart, whether when you get your Premium Starter Kit or later on, earns you FREE full size products. This month you get this:

and you can earn spending money, when you order through the Essential Rewards option:

Whatever you want to do, we are here to help you. Choose your mentor here, which get’s you into our Aroma Nest Community online group.

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